Coach View

The Coach View is a software component designed to provide the ability for spectators (coaches as well as other interested people) to view either or both of a selected team’s desktop (machine screen) or web camera during a contest. It requires that the Contest Administrator configure desktop and/or webcam streaming from team machines during the contest, and also requires a Contest API source that implements video streaming, for example the ICPC Tools Contest Data Server.

The Coach View provides the ability for a coach to select a specific team by name or team number and to view either or both of that team’s desktop and webcam video feeds.


The latest stable Coach View version is 2.5.1082, released on 30 May 2024 at 12:35:39 from commit 78af2ada.

Download stable release v2.5.1082

The latest prerelease is v2.6.1085, built on 10 July 2024 at 15:43:33 from commit f26b331c.

Download prerelease build v2.6.1085


The Coach View documentation can also be downloaded.

Download / view documentation (PDF format)