Balloon Utility

The ICPC Balloon Utility (BU) is a tool for keeping track of balloons earned by contest teams for successful run submissions. It receives submission information from one of several input sources, displays information about each submission (such as the problem, team, run ID, school, submission time, etc.) and optionally automatically prints “balloon notification” messages to assist runners in delivering balloons. It also provides runners with an interactive mechanism for tracking delivered balloons, and is even capable of printing maps showing runners where to go find the appropriate balloon and where on the contest floor the receiving team is located (although instructions for configuring it to do that are beyond the scope of this introductory guide).


The latest stable Balloon Utility version is 2.4.727, released on 03 April 2022 at 14:27:38 from commit 5af27d7d.

Download stable release v2.4.727

The latest prerelease is v2.5.1062, built on 23 April 2024 at 13:36:06 from commit 08e6c955.

Download prerelease build v2.5.1062


The Balloon Utility documentation can also be downloaded.

Download / view documentation (PDF format)