Welcome to the ICPC Tools web page! This page contains a variety of tools implemented by the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) Tools Group, most of which were originally developed for use at the ICPC World Finals and have been adapted for use at other programming contests. These tools have been used to support a wide variety of programming contests including local contests at Universities world-wide, multiple ICPC Regional Contests around the world, and a number of ICPC World Finals.
All of the ICPC tools are designed to work together, and where applicable they are based on published ICPC standards. In particular, many of the tools are derived from and based on the specifications published under the auspices of the Competitive Learning Initiative as posted on the CLI Specification Website.
The Tools
Follow the links below to download any of the tools. Click on the “More information” link to get more information for each tool.
Contest Data Server
Single-point URL services for accessing contest data
Stable: CDS v2.5.1082
Prerelease: CDS v2.6.1170
Documentation: PDF
Animated reveal of final contest results
Stable: Resolver v2.5.1082
Prerelease: Resolver v2.6.1170
Documentation: PDF
Presentation Admin
Remote administration of multiple presentations (requires CDS)
Stable: Presentation Admin v2.5.1082
Prerelease: Presentation Admin v2.6.1170
Documentation: PDF
Presentation Client
Animated display of scoreboard and other contest data
Stable: Presentation Client v2.5.1082
Prerelease: Presentation Client v2.6.1170
Documentation: PDF
Balloon Utility
Manages and prints which teams to award a balloon
Stable: Balloon Utility v2.5.1082
Prerelease: Balloon Utility v2.6.1170
Documentation: PDF
Coach View
Ability to remotely see the camera and desktop of a team
Stable: Coach View v2.5.1082
Prerelease: Coach View v2.6.1170
Documentation: PDF
Problem Set Editor
Generate/Edit YAML descriptions of problem sets for input to CLICS-compatible CCS's
Stable: Problem Set Editor v2.5.1082
Prerelease: Problem Set Editor v2.6.1170
Documentation: PDF
Contest Utilities
A variety of useful contest-related utilities: event feed checkers, floor map generators, submission extractors, and more!
Stable: Contest Utilities v2.5.1082
Prerelease: Contest Utilities v2.6.1170
Documentation: PDF
Last published prerelease tools update: 17 December 2024 at 13:10:37 from commit
The tools on this page are provided free and “as is”, with the usual disclaimers: lack of guarantee of suitability for any particular purpose, no stated or implied responsibility for the results of their use, etc.
In other words, we find these tools to be very useful in supporting a variety of common programming contest operations, and we think you will too; but we do not guarantee that they will do exactly what you want for your programming contest. All of the code has been written by and is directly under the control of the ICPC Systems Group, including that we take particular care to insure that there are no intentional bad things (malware) in them; however, neither ICPC nor its affiliates or volunteers make any guarantees at all regarding the code.
The ICPC Tools are developed, tested, and maintained by a group of ICPC volunteers on GitHub. Bug reports, feature requests, and even just knowing what worked or didn’t for your contest are always appreciated. Pull requests are also welcome, but if you want to implement a big feature it might be best to first create an issue to discuss it.
To become a committer you must have a history of high quality bug reports, PRs, and be approved by the ICPC Tools team.
A slack workspace exists to discuss anything and everything ICPC Tools related.
It can be found at https://icpctools.slack.com/. To join as a new member, use this link to sign up.
All of the tools are provided under the ICPC Software License license and are “Free as in Beer”. We welcome you to use and enjoy them, but if you ever run into anyone who has contributed to them - Tim, John, Nicky, Sam, Troy, etc. we would greatly appreciate it if you’d buy us a beer, a stroopwafel, or some other suitable token!
All ICPC Tools are Copyright © by the ICPC.